Visa extension
Vietnam visa extension is for a foreigner who already has a Vietnam visa, is currently residing in Vietnam and wants to stay in Vietnam to travel, visit relatives and work when the visa expires. In this case, he/she must apply for visa extension.
Vietnam visa extension is the extension of the current visa, extending the validity term of Vietnam visa stated in the current visa. The visa extension term can be from 01 month to 03 months and the visa can be extended multiple times.
Requirements to vietnam visa extension
To extend the visa, it must be a visa that can be extended and the passport holder who wants to extend visa must be eligible for visa extension according to the law.
Types of visas allowed to be extended
Types of visas that are allowed to be extended such as: Foreigners coming to Vietnam for the purpose of traveling, visiting relatives, working in a short or long term, etc. can be extended for a period from 1 to 3 months and can be extended multiple times.
Additionally, the foreigner working in Vietnam can apply for extension of visas with DN, LĐ and ĐT codes. The enterprises/organizations with foreign workers can apply for visa extension for their foreign workers for a term of not over 1 year.
Vietnam visa extension application
The documents prepared for Vietnam visa extension includes:
– Original passport (with the remaining term of at least 06 months),
– 2 4 x 6 photos with white background,
– Information of the sponsoring agencies/organizations (if any),
– Entry time
– Work permit or work permit exemption letter in the case of visas with DN, LĐ codes; Investment Certificate, Certificate of Business Registration in the case of visas with ĐT code.