Customs rules of Vietnam
General information
When entering Vietnam you are required to fill out a customs Declaration if you have items to be declared. It then presented when leaving the country.
The import of consumer and computer equipment (including laptop) in Vietnam theoretically subject to mandatory Declaration. All undeclared equipment will be permitted for export only if payment of customs duties or the check of its acquisition in local trade organizations.
It is recommended to keep proof of all expenses incurred in the country during the stay. Banned the export of the national currency, art objects and Antiques, jewelry and folk art without the proper documents.
Also do not forget that there exists a system of tax refund Vat Refund that allows you to recover part of the cost of expensive purchases at the check-out.

Allowed to import duty free:
up to 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars or 500g. tobacco
up to 2 liters of alcohol strength to 22 degrees or 1,5 l alcoholic beverages, up to 3 liters of spirits or beer.
to 5 kg of tea, up to 3 kg. coffee
other goods for personal use with a total value of not more than 5 0000 VND (about $ 250)
The import/export of currency
The import and export of foreign convertible currency of Vietnam is not restricted, but you must declare any foreign currency equivalent to more than 5 thousand US dollars and national currency sum over 15 000 000 VND. Also Declaration to be gold with a total weight over 300 grams.
In itself, the Declaration does not threaten you, anything to pay of this amount is not necessary. So not worth the risk in such cases, and honestly to declare.
It is forbidden to import and export
Prohibited import/export of drugs and narcotic medications without a doctor’s prescription for their application (penalties for the importation of drugs is extremely high, including the death penalty), firearms, pornography, printed materials, CD-ROMs, audio and videos that offend local traditions, Antiques, live wild animals, stuffed turtles, corals and rare plants.
The following items are no restrictions on the number, but they must be declared (to fill in the customs Declaration) at the entrance in excess of a certain amount (amount). If you fill out a customs Declaration, you must pass not through green and through the red customs corridor.
– Foreign currency amounting to more than $ 5,000, including Russian rubles in equivalent.
– Vietnamese currency in excess of 15 000 000 VND (approximately 47150.79 RUB, see Vietnam currency and the exchange rate).
– Gold weighing more than 300 grams.
– The gold and jewellery not for personal use.
– Videotapes, CDs and DVDs. Could you temporarily remove upon entry to verify, then return.
The export of fruit
Officially on the export of fruit from Vietnam customs prohibitions do not, but theoretically, some limitations may set service for veterinary and phytosanitary control. In practice, when the export of fruit they anyone interested, so you can take them without problems, as long as it was reasonable in non-commercial quantities.
Sometimes you can find the information that fruit from Vietnam can be brought out only in plastic containers. This is complete nonsense, because the customs service does not regulate, in what form the fruit is allowed to carry on Board the plane. It’s all in the competence of the particular airline that you are flying. Usually fruit in the Luggage don’t give up, and transported in hand Luggage in any convenient box (a plastic container, just a bag, backpack) if other rules are not set by the airline.